Apex Turf was founded in 2011 by Beth Horrigan of Hudson Falls and the late Michael Cram of Clifton Park.

Michael started his industry experience in 1988 as an applicator and customer service representative for a national lawn care firm.  He then spent many years providing both guidance and turf care supplies to local lawn and landscape contractors while managing a local branch of a national landscape supply firm.  

Beth earned a Bachelor of Science in horticulture from Cornell University. She first worked on a local golf course as an assistant superintendent, and then superintendent, for a total of 12 years before taking a position with a national landscape supply firm, working with Mike to provide education and supplies to local contractors.

Our Production Manager, Zach Howe, has been with Apex Turf since 2014. Zach has grown along with the company and has worn a number of different hats over the years. Zach started as an applicator and as his industry knowledge grew, moved to a sales and service position before taking on his current role. He now oversees all applicators and helps out with the sales and service team as well. 

Mary and Sheila are the extra friendly voices on the other end of the line when you call our office. Both Mary and Sheila have been in customer service for many years, so their customer service skills are top notch. They can answer lots of questions about our program, services, and scheduling. Anything they're not able to help with, they're more than happy to connect you to the person who can. 

Our sales and service team, Andrew and Scott, have lots of turf care knowledge and experience that they are happy to share or use to diagnose any issues your lawn may be experiencing.

In the field, we have a team of conscientious, hardworking and experienced applicators that have undergone state mandated training as well as extensive in-house training.

With this combination of backgrounds and experience we are confident we can face any challenge your lawn presents.  

We know turf...both the problems and the solutions!

The mission of Apex Turf is to provide professional quality lawn fertility services with the goal of exceeding your expectations.  With years of experience, industry knowledge, and progressive thinking, Apex Turf will strive to make your lawn the envy of the neighborhood!

                                    Contact us today...

(518) 288-3687
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Apex Turf is a local, professional lawn care company specializing in timely fertilization, pest, and weed control services for both residential and small commercial lawns. 
(518) 288-3687  or  betterservice@apexturf.com